Thursday, February 20, 2014

Spring is in the Air

WOOHOO! Spring is almost here!!!!!!!!!

"Molly, I am so excited that spring is just around the corner, and we get to welcome all of the Spring Break crowds to Titanic!"

"Me too! Last weekend was a blast! The Titanic is the most romantic ship in the world! Weren't all of the couples just lovely?"

"Yes - and the vow renewals at the Grand Staircase! It's a girl's dream, but wouldn't it be like a fairytale if I were to marry Brojan at the ship!?"
"Oh Carter, Carter. Dogs don't get married, they multiply."
"Wow - that took all of the romantic wind right out of my sails, Molly. Thanks a lot."

"You're welcome."

"Besides, Carter, I'd be very sad if you left my side."

"Now, that is the sweetest thing you have said to me all year!"

"It's only February."

"I know, but it adds drama when I say 'ALL YEAR!'"

"You've got a point. Who taught you these things?"
"I have many teachers, Molly. In fact, all of my teachers are invited to the Titanic for the remainder of February for Titanic Loves Teachers! We want to honor all of our teacher friends!"

"And we'll be back at the Titanic March 1st & 2nd, and also for Spring Break - in case the teachers miss us!"

How about for Easter?
"Carter, Easter isn't until late April. Let's not think about that now!"
"OK, Molly, but I am really hoping the Easter Bunny brings me lots of chocolate kisses, cream filled candy eggs, and marshmallow Peeps."
"Stop, Carter, you're making me hungry! That sounds delicious! Hurry up Easter!"

Come visit us at the Titanic Museum Attraction in Branson! We'll be right here to greet you!

   Molly & Carter

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Super Bowl Weekend!

Considering a New Career in Sports...

"Carter, I had never thought of it before, but we could consider becoming cheerleaders!"

"Maybe for the Puppy Bowl, but not the NFL."

"What's the NFL?"

"Molly, Molly, I'm usually the clueless one, but it's ok for you to take a turn at it once in awhile! The NFL is the National Football League, and their Super Bowl is this weekend!"

"Well, even if we can't cheer for the NFL, I would like to cheer for our puppy friends....I mean, we are dressed for the occasion."

"I know! Let's have our own Puppy Bowl. Lily can be the referee, and Biscuit can be the football player!"

"Um, Carter, I don't know much about football, but wouldn't we need an opponent for Biscuit?"

"Oh...yeah, I guess you're right. We'll need to plan better for next year."

"At least we can all pose for the camera since we're here! How about a different angle?"


"Well I love being with our family and having fun, and that is just what we are going to do this weekend! It was fun to visit our family at the ship too!"

"And we get to return again on Valentine's Weekend!"

"I thought retirement might get boring, but it has been a blast! Super Bowl parties, snow days, winter retreats...this is a dog's life!"

"Hey, Carter, how about this look for Valentine's Weekend?"

"It looks like you're smoking a rose."

"Ok, how about this then..."


"Isn't that how the models do it?"

"Molly, Molly...let's focus on one thing at a time. Get your cheer leading outfit back on and let's have some fun this weekend. We can blog about our time at the ship on Valentine's weekend later!"

"Oh, alright, Carter, but I still think I look like a model."

If you are in Branson Valentine's Weekend, come visit us at Titanic. Maybe you can receive a rose from our resident supermodel!

See you there!
  Molly & Carter