It is Officially Irish Month at the Titanic!
"Carter, don't look so sad! This is a festive month!"
"I know, Molly, I just wish it would stop snowing so we could lay in the warm sunshine like the lions of Africa."
"The lions of Africa!? Where do you get this stuff?"
"I've been reading a lot of National Geographic magazines...we should really consider world travel since we're retired."
"I was thinking south Florida."
"And you think I'm the one with no ambition!"
"Well, we can at least pretend to travel to Ireland this month when we visit the Titanic!"
You're right - we do look pretty good in green too!
"Besides, I still need time to recover from Mardi Gras! Boy do those people know how to have some fun!"
And, boy, do we know how to dress for the occasion!
"Molly, what is Fat Tuesday anyway?"
"It's the day that everyone can eat rich, fatty foods before they fast for Lent."
"Wow! A day to eat anything I want! How come I didn't get to indulge in rich, fatty foods on Tuesday?"
"Because you're on a diet."
"No buts, Carter! We have to look our best! Our 2014 season begins this week and we want to be in tip top shape!"
"OK, Molly, but next year I am going to eat some King Cake!"
"Do what you want next year, but on March 15th, and then March 17th - 23rd, we will be making another appearance at Titanic! It will be St. Patty's Day and Spring Break!"
"Well, I hope they don't ask me to wear a bikini again - or a hula skirt for that matter!"
Oh, it wasn't that bad, Carter!
"Speak for yourself, Molly. I am still recovering from the trauma."
"Now who's being dramatic!?"
"We get to take turns at everything don't we?"
"Yes, Carter. We're good at taking turns. We're good sisters!"
Come play with us during Spring Break this March at the Titanic Museum Attraction! We promise to take turns with you at the helm!
(If you don't know what the "helm" is you need to come learn about it at Titanic!)
We'll be right here to teach you!
Molly & Carter
We invite you to visit our Titanic Dogs web page!