Monday, July 29, 2013

Good Bye from Officer Jack... AKA George Brereton...

"George" and Carter

Hey Molly and Carter,
Enjoy semi-retirement!  You deserve it after 28 years of service at the Titanic.

"Uh, Molly, why did he say, "after 28 years of service at the Titanic? We've only been here four years."

"It's this thing humans do, Carter. They convert everything to 'Dog Years.'"

"Dog years?"

"Yes, you multiply the number by 7."

"So I'm really 35!? I'm ancient!"

"Carter, you have more pressing things to worry about, like WHY, for goodness sake you ALWAYS have your tongue out in pictures!"

"I like to lick my nose. It feels good."

"If you say so."

"I DO say so, and I also want to say, 'BYE JACK!'"

Monday, July 22, 2013

Good Bye from Mama Kelli Sanders...

From Left to Right: Molly, Kelli, Carter

Dearest Molly & Carter,

Even though I will still see you all the time, I felt I wanted to write a little letter myself to share a few words about how you have impacted my life! 

When I first arrived in Branson in January of 2010, I remember looking for work at the Titanic. Little did I know that you two would be such a big part of my future as a crew member here at the ship! Everyone always asks me how I got THIS job!?!? They think I'm pretty lucky to work with you two, and I have to agree! I always tell them I was at the right place at the right time! We all were, I guess!

Left to Right: Kim, Molly, Kelli S., Carter, Kelli R.

To be part of such an amazing team of women has truly been a blessing, and I believe I am a better person for having known all of this crew! 

The good news in all of this is that you are only "Semi-Retiring." In the coming years, we can all still get together for special events and occasions at the Titanic - it will be like a family reunion! I am excited for those happy times!

So, my sweet girls, I will see you at home, but I will miss seeing you at the ship every day! I know you will love your life away from the spotlight and take every opportunity to simply ENJOY being dogs! 

Love you Furr-ever!

Your Mama Kelli

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Good Bye from Heather...

Left to Right: Heather, Molly, Carter

Dear Molly & Carter,

Happy Semi-Retirement! The ship won't be the same!



Monday, July 15, 2013

Farewell from Officer Sean...

From Left to Right: Molly, Sean, Carter

Saying Good-Bye,

Wow. I can honestly say this has been difficult for me to put into words. How does someone begin to say good bye? I know they may only be dogs to some people, but to us here at the Titanic, they're a lot more than that. To us, they're crew members. They work hard, play hard, and greet passengers just like we do.

I can't remember what we used to do before Molly & Carter showed up. I know we used to have an empty office representing what Thomas Andrews would have used, but it's hard to believe just how empty our lives were before they arrived. As of right now, I can't imagine them not being here every day.

It's a strange time when that kennel is empty. It feels like something is missing. And that's what it will be like, day after day when they "Semi-Retire." It will feel like part of our crew is missing.

I'll miss a lot of things about Molly & Carter, mostly their tricks and the way they get excited when they see crew members they recognize. But most of all, I think I'll miss the way they patiently wait for ice and how excited they get when it finally arrives. That's one of my favorite things about them. 

Farewell Molly & Carter! Thank you for teaching the world about ten dogs that now, thanks to you, will never be forgotten.

With Love,

Officer Sean

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Good Bye from Maid Erickia...

From Left to Right: Carter, Erickia, Molly

Dear Molly & Carter,

How does one congratulate you two beautiful girls on all the great work you have done in one short letter? I'm not even sure it's possible! You two are the heart of our crew here on Titanic, and I know you will be missed. Well, we will miss you. I'm sure you will be too busy with your amazing adventures to miss us much! You will have to remember to stay in touch, whether it be a letter, a message in a bottle, or morse code!

I remember my first day here. I was so nervous about messing something up, but a few hours in, I got to meet you lovely gals! Momma Kelli brought you by the staircase to meet the new crew members, and you both licked my hand! I instantly felt welcomed!

I really hope everything you do in the future makes you both truly happy! I shall miss you with all my heart! Au revoir et bonne chance mes amours! (Good bye and good luck, my loves!) 

1st Class Maid Erickia

Monday, July 8, 2013

Good Bye from Officer Eric...

From Left to Right: Carter, Eric, Molly

Dear Molly & Carter,

I'm writing to say how much I'll miss the two of you being around. It was Wednesday through Sunday where working at Titanic had been a little more special. Whether I was at the map, the Grand Staircase, or upstairs, you would always come by and visit with our guests. I remember watching everyone in the room look in "awe," knowing they got to meet two of our most important 1st Class Passengers on board Titanic. That is something I will dearly miss about having you two here. 

I know that I will always remember you two, but having a photo with you is what made my memory so much fonder. You have always made everyone's day a little brighter, and it will be sad to see you both leaving. I hope your retirement will be great. You still have many dog years left. Enjoy yourselves "off" the Titanic and welcome to a new world!

With Love from Your 1st Class Officer,

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Good Bye from Officer Christopher...

From Left to Right: Molly, Christopher, Carter

Dear Molly & Carter,

I am very sad knowing that we won't be spending as much time together next year. I've only known you a short time, but I already think of you as good friends. You bring so much joy to the crew members and our guests. Please come back to visit at the museum, and feel free to stop by my home to meet my cats. I think you would get along.

To quote one of my favorite dog movies, The Fox and the Hound

"Good-bye may seem forever; farewell is like the end,
But in my heart's a memory,
And there you'll always be."

We love you Molly & Carter!

Officer Christopher

Monday, July 1, 2013

Good Bye from Officer Larry...

Left to right: Carter, Larry, Molly

Dear Molly & Carter,

I wish you the best with your retirement. It is time to enjoy the new adventures that await you! I hope your days are filled with as much joy and happiness that you have brought to Titanic's crew and passengers. Thank you for all the memories and good times. May your noses stay wet and your tails always wag.

Officer Larry